Center bids advertised today

Published 12:00 am Monday, March 14, 2005

VIDALIA &045; Vidalia aldermen plan to accept bids next month for the construction of a riverfront gateway and conference center.

An advertisement soliciting bids begins today, and aldermen will open those bids at their April 7 meeting, Mayor Hyram Copeland said at the town’s regular meeting Tuesday.

Construction is expected to last 12 to 14 months.

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Earlier delays in advertising for bids was caused by a redesign of the architectural plans due to increased costs.

Construction on the center was originally slated to start in late summer 2004 with the building open by this summer.

The 25,000-square foot center will have meeting space for 840 to 1,000 people, which will provide the largest meeting space in the Vidalia city limits.

The facility is slated to include a state welcome center, officers for the Vidalia Chamber of Commerce, a Bowie exhibit, an atrium and restrooms.

In other business Tuesday, aldermen:

4Passed a resolution supporting the Atchafalya National Heritage Area, a federal designation sought by a 13-parish commission whose purpose is to promote the Atchafalaya region. Economic Development Director Teresa Dennis, who is a member of the commission, said the federal designation would give the group $10 million over the next 10 years to be spread among projects in the 13 parishes.

4Took under advisement bids for wastewater improvements, including a renovation of the Alabama Street lift station and construction of a lift station on Miller Street. The city received six bids, with the lowest being $434,995. Keith Capdepon of Bryant Hammett’s engineering office said the budget for the project is $345,000.

4Accepted a bid from Jimmy Ingram for the purchase of a motorcycle for 4551.

4Approved occupational licenses for Shaver’s LLC, a shaved ice stand; Berkley Enterprise; and Varnier’s Computer Sales and Service. Aldermen also approved an occupational license name change for Bruce Video Productions.

4Heard from Aldermen Jon Betts about problems with concrete damage on the riverwalk.

Copeland said he would look at the damage and discuss getting it fixed.