City right to fund EDA at full level

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Natchez aldermen have agreed to fund the Economic Development Authority at the full level &045; which is the right decision if we want to see results and we want a unified community.

Last fall, aldermen said they would fund the EDA at $50,000 for the first six months, then re-evaluate to see whether to fund an additional six months to the full allocation.

Since then, the city and EDA have improved their communication. EDA officials said they have realized they need to let city officials know about ongoing projects, and the city has admitted that not all jobs can be located inside city limits.

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Communication about economic development projects is a difficult task. EDA officials don’t want too much information leaked because it can jeopardize a deal, but the public wants to know what’s going on behind the scenes.

But we’re glad to see the improved communication, and we hope aldermen will continue their support and commitment to the EDA.

Both the city and county need to stand united behind the EDA as our main economic development board. We need to show that unity not only to companies interested in locating here but also to lawmakers and other state and federal government officials who might be in a position to help us.

Our unity on this issue is what will take us forward and help us attract new jobs.