County needs new ideas for cleanup

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Adams County supervisors have had it, and we’ve had it, too. In a Thursday meeting, they cited fast food bags, dead animals, old televisions and the like as just a sample of what’s lying by the side &045; and sometimes right in the middle &045; of county roads.

Supervisor Henry Watts said the latest place residents are expressing concerns about littering is Kingston Road.

One resident of that road, Julie Prince, said in a Friday article that whether it’s the county or a private organization, something needs to be done.

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Supervisors President Darryl Grennell said it will take citizens working individually and as part of the Adopt-A-Highway program to rectify the problem.

Watts said citizens alone cannot be counted on to bear the entire burden of cleanup, and that he would approach Sheriff Ronny Brown about the possibility of inmate cleanups and extra patrols.

We say they’re both right.

It’s going to take new ideas, proactivity and much more elbow grease to clean up our streets.

And we encourage government, organizations and individuals to do more than their part to take care of all facets of the curb appeal problem. Those range from littering and dumping of larger items to keeping yards neat and houses in good repair.

One group, which has met several times with Mayor Phillip West, is seeking to address beautification through enforcement and education. We encourage them or another group to extend such efforts into the county’s unincorporated areas.

Cleaning up helps attract new residents and businesses and shows how we feel about ourselves. After all, Grandma was right: &uot;Trashy is as trashy does.&uot;