Quick thinking helps in Ferriday incident

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Some cool-headed thinking on the part of Ferriday High School staff brought a quick end to an on-campus fight that could have been much more dangerous Friday.

According to police, a bus driver and a Ferriday resident were involved in an altercation that escalated when the bus driver’s gun went off. Investigators are still trying to determine whether the firing of the gun was accidental or not, but driver Edward Parker, 58, was arrested and charged with violating the law for bringing a gun on school property.

Thankfully, no one was seriously injured.

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Ferriday teacher Stephen Collins broke up the fight and disarmed the gun, and Assistant Principal Michelle Bethea quickly called police.

No students were involved in the incident, although police plan to question those who might have witnessed what happened.

We hate to think what might have happened if the fight had gotten even more out of hand, but we’re proud of the way the faculty and administrators at the school handled the situation. It was certainly a tense time for all involved, but they kept cool heads and were able to defuse what could have been a terrible tragedy.

Having a gun on school property is a serious offense, and a sobering reminder of how important school safety rules are for our students and for their teachers and administrators.

We hope school officials don’t have to cope with another situation like this again.