Single parent families need our support

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 17, 2005

As we celebrate mothers today, we are reminded that few moms fit the stereotype of Betty Crocker or June Cleaver &045; and it’s OK whether they do or they don’t.

Adams County, in fact, is home to a large percentage of single mothers, most of whom likely don’t meet the stereotype opposite June Cleaver, either.

But knowing that 38 percent of children under 5 in Adams County live in homes headed by a single female breadwinner gives us some food for thought when it comes to the types of jobs and other resources our community needs.

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Already there are a variety of resources available for single mothers as well as the general public, but some may not even know what is out there.

Southwest Mississippi Planning and Development, for example, can help with child care in partnership with the Department of Human Services.

The WIN Job Center can help with employment searches, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program provides state-sponsored insurance for children in families that qualify.

In fact, most area agencies provide programs and assistance that can help single mothers who may be struggling to provide child care and earn an income.

No matter what their situation, single moms &045; and dads &045; deserve our support. Of course we’d like to see all children grow up in a home with two parents, but the reality is that’s not happening for a large percentage of today’s children. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t growing up without love or care, or a parent’s desire to see them healthy and successful.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of our community’s moms.