Shopping center still in works

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 17, 2005

FERRRIDAY &8212; Since it was first announced in August, there hasn&8217;t been much talk about the proposed shopping center on U.S. 84 in Ferriday.

That doesn&8217;t mean the deal is dead, both developer and mayor said.

&8220;We&8217;re undergoing site plans right now,&8221; said Vernis Stanaland, a developer from Tyler, Texas. &8220;Our original deal was to begin working in March or May. We&8217;re still planning on going through with it.&8221;

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Stanaland said he plans on visiting Ferriday Monday and Tuesday to meet with Mayor Gene Allen and &8220;work on some things.&8221;

Allen said the deal is far from complete and he didn&8217;t want to get ahead of things.

&8220;We&8217;re trying not to talk about it, just doing it,&8221; Allen said.

Stanaland has an option on the land for the proposed center.

Allen said if the deal were to go through the city would annex the land.

In his presentation Aug. 11, Stanaland said he envisioned a &8220;big town center where you can go do anything you want.&8221; The center would include national chain stores and restaurants.

When asked Wednesday if his company had any national chain stores lined up, Stanaland said they were &8220;waiting on lay-out plans from us.&8221;

In preparation, Allen said the town is working to secure grants to run sewerage out to the proposed site.

Stanaland said he would have more to talk about next week.