Katrina has hand in our blessings

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 4, 2006

Nearly three months ago, it might have been difficult to think we would have anything to be thankful for in Mississippi and Louisiana.

But after the hardship that Hurricane Katrina wrought on our region, we do indeed have many blessings to count.

The Miss-Lou was largely spared any destruction from Katrina or Rita, although some people saw some damage.

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We were hard hit in the aftermath of Katrina, with evacuees fleeing to Natchez and Concordia Parish for refuge.

But our community is richer for the people who have chosen to settle here after the storm.

Some may stay just a little while longer; some may choose to stay a lifetime.

But we are thankful they have joined our community and look forward to the contributions they will make.

Katrina may have an effect on our economy, too. While tourism has been down this fall because of the storm, our convention center is attracting some displaced conferences, and we know that sales tax numbers will be up as a result of the influx after the storm.

Meanwhile, fuel manufacturer Rentech took a second look at Mississippi &8212; and was led to Natchez &8212; because of the market they saw for alternative fuels after the storm.

Today is a day to be thankful, but we never thought Katrina would figure in to those blessings.

Happy thanksgiving to all.