New deputies begin their jobs just in time
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 19, 2006
NATCHEZ &8212; Tom Borum sat on the steps of the Adams County Sheriff&8217;s Office Thursday, keeping the peace for free.
During Thursday&8217;s countywide drug raid, the sheriff&8217;s office needed all the help they could get, Sheriff Ronny Brown said, so part-time deputies helped at the jail and courthouse.
The deputies graduated Tuesday and were sworn in Wednesday, just in time to help.
Borum went into work at 5 a.m. Thursday, helping around the sheriff&8217;s office and making sure they didn&8217;t get overloaded with those visiting the recently arrested.
&8220;Today, they anticipated a large number of family members,&8221; Borum said. &8220;It hasn&8217;t happened yet, but I&8217;m here to screen people before I let them in the building. If it has to do with the drug bust, I tell them they have to come back Monday.&8221;
Borum, a local veterinarian who also operates a charter plane service, said his first day on the job was very enjoyable.
&8220;I haven&8217;t been cussed out by too many people yet,&8221; he said, grinning. &8220;It&8217;s been an educational experience, to see it all happen and follow through.&8221;
He said he got to know members of the deputy class during training. Fourteen of the original 29 completed the program, Brown said..
&8220;You get to know them real well,&8221; Borum said.
Borum said he first got interested in the training program because he wanted to know more about law. The physical training was an incentive to get into shape, too, he said.
&8220;I would get done flying and run up and down the runway,&8221; he said. &8220;It paid off.&8221;