Secrets dont make good leaders

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 15, 2006

A suspiciously fishy smell is emanating up the bluffs from the Roth Hill Road site. But don&8217;t dare ask the city what it is.

You&8217;re just an ignorant taxpayer. You cannot be trusted with the details. Just trust us and leave us alone. We know how to manage the city and its resources just fine without you meddling.

Last week two alderman walked out of a meeting to avoid a vote on a secret proposal for a development at Roth Hill Road &8212; arguably the most desired piece of property in the city.

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The issue of what to do is still not resolved and no one will say anything about why three board members felt compelled to push the deal through rather than let the public know about it first. Allegedly the development is a second casino.

The cat may not be out of the proverbial bag officially, but we all know that a cat is in the bag.

We can see the shape of it. We can tell it&8217;s a cat.

But what we cannot determine is if it&8217;s a good kitty that will love and treat its owners to a lifetime of devoted attention.

Cats can be fickle.

What happens if the bagged cat has a mean streak a mile long and comes out of the bag spitting and clawing?

Let&8217;s stop the childishness and let the taxpayers know what&8217;s at stake. If the citizens do not know what kind of a &8220;cat&8221; with which they are dealing, who&8217;ll get scratched and ultimately, who will have to pay the bill? Taxpayers, or course.

City aldermen need to remember a key part about being a public official &8212; you work for the taxpayers, not the other way around.