Smiths 15 minutes are ridiculous

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 15, 2006

Pop culture icon and artist Andy Warhol once said, &8220;In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.&8221;

Ousted Natchez City Planner Andrew Smith proved Warhol&8217;s prediction had some merit on Friday evening.

Smith&8217;s ridiculous claim that his termination was rooted in both race and sex reached national attention as Fox News broadcast a small piece about Smith&8217;s Equal Opportunity Employment Commission complaint.

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Interestingly, neither Smith nor his attorney agreed to be interviewed on the piece.

Mayor Phillip West, who Smith alleges fired him because he was a black man, had the guts to be interviewed for the story and defend his actions. The claim is ridiculous since it was Smith&8217;s performance, not his skin color or gender, that caused his termination.

For Natchez residents and city workers who struggled to communicate with Smith on planning issues, the absence of Smith&8217;s comments on the TV interview was not surprising.

Smith&8217;s habit during his tenure as city planner was to point fingers often, but rarely raise his own hand and ever admit personal responsibility.

The same behavior started the personnel disputes that created friction between Smith and many others.

Mr. Smith, you got what you wanted &8212; attention for yourself and casting the city in a bad light.

Let&8217;s hope Smith&8217;s 15 minutes of fame are almost over. His tactics are tiring.