Cocaine has serious consequences

Published 7:37 pm Friday, March 23, 2007

What happens when you become addicted? When exposed to large amounts of cocaine, people dependent on the drug prefer it over all other drives and pleasures.

Drug taking continues until the user is exhausted or the cocaine is depleted. P

eople addicted to cocaine lose control over the drug and their lives, exhibiting behaviors markedly different from the pre-cocaine lifestyles. Serious disruptions within the family, on the job, and in social situations occur.

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When cocaine becomes an obsession, thought is disorganized, judgement fails, and existence becomes dismal.

Many people addicted to cocaine use the drug just to feel “normal,” or to avoid the severe depression and fatigue that set in when they try to stop.

Is crack more addicting than other forms of cocaine?

Cocaine can be addictive no matter how it is used. Even occasional use can lead to an uncontrollable desire for the drug.

There is no way to predict who will become dependent. Those who do, never guessed they would.

Crack is particularly alarming because it produces the most dramatic cocaine high. Smoking allows high doses of cocaine to reach the brain almost instantly.

This rapid “high” is followed by a profound “low” that leaves the user craving more. As a result, crack can be rapidly addicting.

How do cocaine and crack affect the body? The immediate effects include dilated pupils and a narrowing of blood vessels.

They also cause increases in blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate and body temperature.

Users lose their appetites and have trouble sleeping.

Those who snort cocaine often have a runny nose.

Cocaine and crack initially elevate mood, temporarily filling the user with a sense of exhilaration and well-being.

As these effects wear off, however, the user’s mind and body slide into a depression that is characterized by a “let down” feeling, dullness, tenseness and edginess.

A very great danger for all cocaine and crack users is addiction.

Dependency on cocaine and crack is so strong that these drugs dominate all aspects of an addict’s life.

Addiction can erode physical and mental health, drain financial resources, drive away family and friends, and destroy careers.

Addicts hurt themselves and those around them.

Carolene Britt works at SMMHC’s Alcohol & Drug Office. For more information contact: Carolene Britt, LAC, CADC, 200 S. Wall St., Natchez, MS, 39121, 601-446-6634.