Vidalia First Baptist Church to host special program

Published 8:18 am Thursday, April 5, 2007

Theologians may debate the presence of Christ in communion, but First Baptist Church in Vidalia wants to give people an idea of what communion would be like in the presence of Jesus.

The church, located at 100 Hickory St. in Vidalia, is hosting a Living Last Supper in celebration of Maundy Thursday tonight at 7 p.m.

Maundy Thursday is a Christian feast day dedicated to the celebration of Jesus’ institution of the sacrament of communion at the last supper that he had with his disciples.

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FBC members will reenact that supper.

At the FBC presentation, when Jesus breaks the bread, communion will be presented to those in attendance.

Communion is a Christian rite in which participants eat a piece of bread and drink from a cup of wine, which represent the body and blood of Jesus, respectively.

Christians see the ceremony as a proclamation of Jesus’ sacrifice for their sins.

The church has done something similar to the living last supper in the past, Associate Pastor of Worship and Creative Ministries Joshua Roberts said.

“That presentation was still vignettes based on the last supper painting by Leonardo DaVinci,” Roberts said.

“DaVinci’s painting has Jesus and the disciples sitting at chair height to the table, but Jewish custom would have had them reclining.

“That’s how we’re doing it this time.”

The biblical account of the supper in the book of Luke records that it was the last thing that Jesus did before going to the Mount of Olives, where he was arrested.

After the supper is reenacted, attendees of the FBC presentation will file past a passion scene, where they will see the crucifixion of Jesus reenacted.

“It will give the participants a chance to meditate and reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus,” Roberts said.

A nursery will be provided.