Natchez residents make city vibrant
Published 2:55 pm Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I’ve been told that this 75th year of the Historic Natchez Pageant, is one of the more successful ones in a number of years. It would seem that this success could be due to several things, the least of which is passage of some time since Katrina visited this area, and the return of all three of the Mississippi Queens.
I thing there is another dimension that may be part of this success. I believe that one factor is the inclusion of all races in this program. I have had many very positive comments from tourists who have come through my office at Dunleith, regarding this issue.
As many of the “old timers” will remember this is as was in the years gone by. It was a very positive thing to have the William Johnson family, represented on stage as well as those who volunteered their time to represent Ibrahima in this Pageant. Many students from various local schools now participate together to bring about this success that was achieved this year.
It is a well-established fact that the people of Natchez are very generous with their time and money when it comes to volunteering. Both time and talent are involved in such things as supporting the Humane Society, the local public library, the City Cemetery, The Historic Natchez Pageant, and many other worthwhile events held in the city of Natchez. There is hardly a weekend that there is not something going on in town, for both the locals and the tourists who have come to visit our city. There are not many other towns of this size that have as much going on in the downtown area as does Natchez.
There are many other good things that are in the works to make Natchez even a more vibrant city than it is now. Kudos Natchez.
Kirk Bartley is a Natchez resident and a participant in the Historic Natchez Pageant.