Political signs not legal yet
Published 3:07 pm Wednesday, April 18, 2007
The race for Adams County positions is off to an energetic start, and campaign signs are popping up like mushrooms along the roadways.
But inside the city limits, displaying campaign signs prior to 60 days before the election is illegal.
“Political campaign signs shall not be displayed more than 60 days prior to and seven days after the election for which they are intended,” according to Natchez city code.
Primary elections are scheduled to be held in August.
The ordinance also requires sings to be “confined within private property and kiosks in public place.”
So, those squares of cardboard urging voters to elect one candidate or keep another in office could land the candidates themselves in trouble.
If the signs are on public property, the right of way, light poles or a median, patrol officers pull them up, Natchez Police Chief Mike Mullins said.
“If that continues, we cite the candidate,” Mullins said. “If they’re on private property, code enforcement handles that, and (the candidates) can be issued a citation.”
A fine for such an infraction would probably amount to $50, Municipal Judge Jim Blough said. Each sign could potentially merit a fine of $50, but that doesn’t happen often, he said.
But add court costs and other assessments to the $50 fine, and it could total $210, Blough said.
“It’s a litter issue, and it can get to be a safety issue if you get six or seven at a street intersection and you can’t see,” Blough said. “Everybody’s excited about the election. They just don’t need to have them out right now.”
Signs can help get a candidate’s name out to the public, said Audrey Minor Bailey (D), who’s running for the justice court judge seat for the northern district.
“It’s a possibility you won’t get to see and visit with everybody you’d like to,” Bailey said. “A sign is a way to at least have your name out there. And this being Natchez and so small, people usually know who you are.”
Bailey, who has a few signs scattered around town, said she wasn’t aware of the 60-days restriction.
At least five candidates have campaign signs posted around town.