Casino trip to help local charity

Published 3:25 pm Friday, April 27, 2007

NATCHEZ — The local council of the Knights of Columbus has two fundraisers scheduled in the coming weeks to support local charities.

Kenny Rushing has organized a trip to Paragon Casino in Marksville, La. Tickets are available now from Ricky Warren, Conrad Anderson Jr. and Rushing. Tickets must be purchased in advance of the trip which is scheduled for Thursday, May 17. The $10 donation includes the chartered bus plus $10 credit will be added to the person’s player’s card at arrival. The chartered bus will depart from the Natchez Mall at 8 a.m. and will return at 5 p.m.

Ricky Warren is spearheading the annual Tootsie Roll Drive, a national Knights of Columbus fund raiser, for intellectually challenged citizens. All proceeds raised in this area will benefit the Pleasant Acre Day School.

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Knights of Columbus members, Ladies Auxiliary, Columbian Squires and Boy Scouts will be at the Natchez Wal-Mart on Saturday, May 5 beginning at 10 a.m. accepting donations and selling Tootsie Rolls.