New prison just start of good news

Published 5:01 pm Monday, April 30, 2007

Just in case the announcement of an industry bringing 300 new jobs to town wasn’t good enough for the week, the rest of the Miss-Lou made some headlines of its own.

Let’s review a few highlights from last week.

– The Mississippi governor made a surprise visit to the Leadership Natchez gala Friday night. Haley Barbour’s wife Marsha was a featured guest, but organizers didn’t know she’d bring along her husband.

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The gala was a fundraiser for Pleasant Acre Day School organized by the current Leadership Natchez class. The work was done and much of the money raised before Barbour’s appearance, but the added guest helped make the already special night a bit more exciting for those in attendance.

– In keeping with the celebrity sightings, cooking star Alton Brown made a stop in Natchez last week. The Food Network host stopped in town to film for his show. Brown wanted to highlight the specialty cooking found at Club 601.

The Natchez segment will air in late summer, giving our town and our good cooks a little national advertisement.

– Adams County Water Associations liquid product is not only good enough to drink it might be a national champion.

The water association won first place in the state drinking water contest last month and will soon represent the state nationally. Representatives will take water samples to Washington, D.C., for taste tests.

Famous people and celebrity water made the headlines last week. The coming week is sure to bring news just as interesting.