Thank God, others for accident assistance

Published 2:32 pm Wednesday, May 23, 2007

March 29, 2007, started out to be just another ordinary day, but the way it turned out could have been very tragic.

I had gotten a call from my sister, saying that my mother had fallen, and would I go and check on her. So I started out on the way to her house, traveling on Liberty Road. I was driving along and was coming to a real sharp curve. The next thing I knew the car had hit the bank and flipped upside down and crushed the top in.

By the looks of the vehicle, I should not have gotten out of it alive, but there was a higher power that is alive and well, and working mightily on behalf of his children, that was watching over me.

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How I got out of the car, upside down and with my seat belt on, is only a miracle of God, because I don’t have a clue how I did it, other than the mighty hand of God intervened and was a very present help in the time of trouble.

Just as soon as I climbed out of the car, an Adams County sheriff’s deputy came up to me and asked me if I was alright and if I was hurt.

Where he came from, I don’t know. How he was there, I don’t know. The only thing that I do know is that he wasn’t there by accident. God Almighty had him there at that specific time, on a mission to help one of his children that was in need.

He was very kind and concerned, and immediately called for two sheriff’s department units and a wrecker service.

Officer Randy Freeman was the officer taking the accident report. He was very caring and courteous. Natchez Collision Center wrecker service did a wonderful job.

I’m so thankful to God first of all that I am alive and just have scratches and bruises. If it had not been for him, it could have turned out to be a very tragic day.

I also thank all of the others that were there and helped every way they could, not only as public servants, but as caring, concerned individuals.

I also thank my insurance company. that did an excellent job very quickly.

I’m so glad that God is my refuge, a strong and mighty tower that I can run to and I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, because I know there is no power, healing and deliverance in that name. I am living proof of that today.

Dell Ratcliff

Natchez resident