Arrest leads to life lessons for local

Published 11:12 pm Monday, June 4, 2007

The events of the last several days have me feeling about the like the man who had been struck by lightning, when asked how he felt afterwards, responded, “Except for the experience I could have done without it.”

How do you go from enjoying a delicious dinner with your wife, followed by a mini-shopping spree venture (her favorite past time) to the “hospitality suite” of the Natchez City jail all in a matter of minutes? Its quite easy if your picture is profiled on the police department bulletin board as a “fugitive from justice” with a summon to apprehend on sight from the Vicksburg Police Department. The hideous crime with which you are charged is “contempt of court” for failure to appear for a 2003 traffic citation that had all ready been paid.

If Officer Vince Bates, whose observant nature started me on the road to the “big house” is typical of the quality of officers we have serving us in Natchez we are in good hands. Officer Bates was at all time not only professional and courteous, but also as helpful as possible.

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When what was expected to be a quick trip to the station to get the matter cleared up turned into a communication quagmire with the Vicksburg Police Department that drug on for hours, Officer Bates, the Detention Officer, Henry (Red) went beyond the call of duty to assist in trying to get it resolved. Unfortunately we were unable to get it done because of the lateness of the hour.

Due to human error (hopefully) the payment to the Vicksburg City Court had not been properly posted resulting in a contempt citation being issued for failure to appear.. Upon production of the receipts (thank God for my wife who never throws one away) we were able to get the matter resolved on Friday morning.

Day by day I understand better what the Apostle Paul meant when he said “All things work together for good for those who love the Lord, who are called according to His purpose.” All of these events had to take place to give me a personal glimpse into the words of Jesus concerning “the visiting of those in prisons” will bring special blessings. I realized I am blessed with many friends and family who were willing come to my aid if needed. What about those who have no one? In this experience God has given me fresh insight and vision into the need to minister to those behind bars.

I would like to thank the many friends, and I do mean many, both black and white, who have called expressing concern and a willingness to help in any way possible. Sabrena and I will be forever grateful for your show of concern and support. I have nothing but commendation for Chief Mullins, Officer Bates, and the Natchez Police Department. I must also thank Sergeant Jackie Johnson of the Vicksburg Police Department who kept his promise to not leave my side until the matter was resolved.

From every experience there should be a lesson. Lesson No. 1: Obey the traffic laws. Lesson No. 2: If you flunk lesson No. 1 pay your fine. Lesson No. 3: Keep your receipts forever and a day!

Charles E. Bartley

Natchez resident