Guice brings petition to parish
Published 12:11 am Tuesday, July 17, 2007
VIDALIA — A desire to see children protected and law-breakers punished has one central Louisiana man on a crusade.
DeWayne Guice, of Harrisonburg, is circulating a petition asking the legislature to enact a mandatory minimum life sentence for those convicted of child molestation.
Guice said he started the petition after hearing several stories of sexual predators who received light sentences after conviction.
“These child molesters seem to get a slap on the wrist when this kind of thing pretty well ruins a child for life,” he said.
After he brought the petition to the Concordia Parish area, Guice said it was really well received.
“Just about everybody in Monterey signed it, and it’s picked up a lot of signatures in Ferriday and Vidalia,” he said.
Harrisonburg attorney Paul Lempke wrote the petition so the common man could understand it, but if it goes to legislation, Guice said he will leave it to the legislature to word it.
“One thing we are not out to do is put away for life an 18-year-old boy who is dating a girl just younger than Louisiana’s age of consent,” Guice said.
The petition, which began with about 25 names on it, now has about 6,000 signatures, and is being circulated largely by word-of-mouth, Guice said.
“We’ve got people on there from the Arkansas border to Grand Isle,” he said. “All we’re asking for is signatures of endorsement.”
Rep. Bobby Jindal and state Sen. Noble Ellington and Rep. Francis Thompson have endorsed the petition, Guice said.
Vidalia Police Chief Billy Hammers — who could not be reached for comment — also signed the petition, Guice said.
Concerns about how much it will cost the state to indefinitely house convicted child molesters can be addressed by cutting unnecessary spending elsewhere, Guice said.
“How much does it cost the state when a molester acts a second time and a child is in therapy for years trying to get their head screwed back on?” Guice said.
When he is successful in Louisiana, Guice said he will take his cause to Mississippi because so many people have expressed interest.
“When we get this passed in Louisiana, I hope it will have a domino effect on other states. “I want to leave a legacy to our children that we care about them.”
Copies of the petition are circulating in Vidalia, and Guice can be reached at 318-758-0000.