Natchez Post Office vandalized

Published 4:33 pm Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Postal workers came to the Natchez Post Office Wednesday morning, they found someone had pried open parcel lockers in the lobby and stolen packages, Postmaster Bill Farrior said.

The post office puts packages too large to fit in post office boxes into lockers in the lobby. They then leave the key to that locker in the customer’s box.

“About 9 a.m., when we went to put parcels in the lockers, we realized every one of them had been popped open with some sort of tool,” Farrior said.

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Someone had come in during the night, broken in, and taken parcels, which included hardcover books and checks, he said.

This isn’t the first burglary, though, he said. Over the last few weeks, someone has removed the glass fronts from a dozen post office boxes.

“Glass was all over the floor,” Farrior said. “We don’t know whether they took anything out of them.”