Students’ test scores LEAP ahead

Published 11:57 pm Tuesday, July 31, 2007

VIDALIA — Spring LEAP test scores for Concordia Parish Schools were released Monday, and they showed improvements in the area of English for six of the eight groups of students tested.

The Louisiana Educational Assessment Program test is a high-stakes test — which means it determines whether or not students are promoted to the next grade — for fourth and eighth grade students.

The test scores students’ knowledge as advanced, mastery, basic, approaching basic or unsatisfactory in the areas of English-language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.

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To be promoted to the next grade, students must score basic in one of the areas of English or math and at least approaching basic in the other.

Ferriday Upper Elementary, Monterey High School, Ridgecrest Elementary and Vidalia Upper Elementary all had fewer fourth graders score unsatisfactory in English than in 2006.

Ferriday Junior High School and Monterey High School also showed improvements in that area.

Likewise, Monterey High School and Vidalia Upper Elementary had fewer fourth graders score unsatisfactory in the high-stakes area of math than in 2006, as did Monterey High School and Ridgecrest Elementary’s eighth graders.

However, 40 percent of Ferriday Upper Elementary and 50 percent of Ridgecrest Elementary’s students scored unsatisfactory in the area of math, a downturn of almost 30 percent from last year for Ridgecrest.

Fifty-two percent of the eighth graders at Ferriday Junior High and 17 percent of Vidalia Junior High’s eighth graders scored unsatisfactory in math.

Monterey High School had no students score unsatisfactory in any area, an 11 percent improvement in the area of math and a six percent improvement in the area of English.

Students who did not pass the spring phase of testing were given a chance to attend summer school and retake the test.

Schools should receive the summer test results sometime next week, before school starts Aug. 10, Superintendent Kerry Laster said.

“Basically, these numbers let schools know where they are and where they stand as far as school accountability scores are concerned,” Laster said.