Co-Lin Natchez needs money for expansion

Published 11:34 pm Tuesday, September 11, 2007

After working out of town for the last eight years, I recently retired and came home to be a full-time resident of the Miss-Lou once again.

I was pleased to be asked to return to the Co-Lin Natchez adjunct faculty this fall. I was even more pleased to see that the enrollment at Co-Lin had grown by almost one third during the time I was gone.

The academic building that was opened shortly before I left town is now bursting at the seams with students. One of my classes is on Monday night and I found that all of the classrooms are in use even on most evenings.

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The proposed addition of a health sciences building is sorely needed. If the current growth trends continue, this building may be too small before it is finished. Obviously the community is recognizing that Co-Lin Natchez provides a quality educational opportunity and is a real asset to the Miss-Lou.

I am continually impressed with the commitment of the faculty and the students’ eagerness to learn. I hope that the board of supervisors will see the value of supporting the construction of the proposed building and urge everyone to express their support for this project.

Jim Franklin, Ed.D.

Natchez resident