Please remember Web site forum rules

Published 11:41 pm Thursday, September 13, 2007

The online edition of The Natchez Democrat has given its readers a forum to express their thoughts on articles in the print edition. Of course, there are more than a few ground rules and there should be.

I think that majority of the posted comments are on point and in good taste. And of course, we do have our differences of opinion. However, that is no surprise! While I may not agree with your comment, I respect your opinion. Sometimes, I say to myself, “hey dummy” why didn’t you think of that or about that!

However, a minority of people commenting may take away the privilege. If it gets to burdensome to manage the inappropriate comments, we could lose this feature. What a shame that would be! So please refresh you memory on the ground rules and act accordingly.

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My hope is that The Democrat will continue to support the comment section.

Gary E McCullars

Natchez resident