Most are proud to have Parnham

Published 10:50 pm Wednesday, September 26, 2007

On Sept. 19, Julie Finley wrote an article of very poor quality against the Concordia Parish School Board President Mr. Gary Parnham.

Your article stated that televangelists yell and wag their fingers, teenagers can be equally as quick to raise their voices, rabble-rousers in general learn early on that it’s the person behind the podium that can sway a crowd.

Yes, you yell and wag your fingers and you were that person behind the podium, or in this case desk, and you came out loud and clear, and yes you swayed a few but most people are very upset.

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No, Parnham has not fallen to parish politics, and no, he was not wrong in firing Superintendent Kerry Laster. Mr. Parnham does not fall into any of the categories.

Some of the letters written about Mrs. Laster were people that have never had children in Concordia schools.

Mr. Parnham is a Christian, and one of the top educators in our parish, and I am sure most everyone will say they are proud to have Mr. Parnham as president of Concordia Parish School Board.

The next time you feel like judging, please open your Bible and read Matthew 7:1 & 2. “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged, and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

Yes, Mrs. Laster will find another job, and will move on. I wish her lots of happiness.

Obye Jo Simmons

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