AGLOW reaches out to community
Published 11:51 pm Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Did you know that you could have a powerful impact on your neighborhood by inviting the presence of God to dwell there?
The scriptures exhort us to “love our neighbor as ourselves” (Matthew 22:39). We need to pray for our neighbors and look for ways to reach out in kindness.
Could it be that God has called your neighborhood to be a place that invites His presence by placing you there? Is it possible to bring the good news of Jesus Christ into every home in North America? What about every home in our city of Natchez? An impossible task, you say? Our God is able “to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.”
What an awesome difference the presence of God could make in our community! The darkness of murder, rape, drug-dealing, alcoholism and hatred could be lifted through the power of prayer! Prayer is often a natural result of sharing heart to heart. Have you ever asked your neighbor if you can pray for him or her? We live in troubled times and our neighborhoods are not immune. Do not be surprised to find that even in our small little southern town in the heart of the “Bible Belt,” church is not always a part of everyone’s culture and experience.
Every human being on the face of the earth is uniquely fashioned in God’s image and is very special to Him. God has put you where you are to respect, love and have compassion for your neighbors.
Would you like to truly see a difference in our community? Almost every day in our local newspaper, we read about a violent crime that has been committed right here in our small “peaceful” town on the river. This should not be! We can make a difference. Government programs cannot solve our problems. It has to start with us as individuals. Following the command of Christ to “love our neighbor” is the beginning.
On Saturday at the McNeeley Road Church of God, Women’s AGLOW will be meeting from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to discuss the implementation of this God-ordained ministry. Women’s AGLOW International began in 1967 with four women who had a desire to meet together as Christians without denominational boundaries.
Today, celebrating its 40th anniversary, it has grown to become a transdenominational organization with more than 4,600 local groups in 166 nations around the world. It is one of the largest international women’s organizations with over 1,100 local groups in the U.S. alone. It continues to reach out to women of every creed, color and culture, and through women, to families worldwide. Headed by Jane Hansen, president and CEO, AGLOW’s Worldwide Headquarters is in Seattle, Wash. To learn more about this dynamic ministry, visit
Make plans now to meet with us at 10 a.m. Saturday to learn more about how you can influence your neighborhood for Christ. A light lunch will be provided. What a tremendous opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our children and our families. For more information, please contact me at 601-442- 5360.
Betty Jo Krouse is a member of Women’s AGLOW.