Tourist money gets too much press time
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 15, 2007
I would appreciate some input on this opinion. How many individuals have read about the impact and/or how much money comes into the local economy during pilgrimages or special events. Also, how much money will the convention center contribute because of the facility being utilized?
Bringing in more casinos to our area is again, money! More hotels accommodate the future’s influx of tourists. Oh, oh. I think I’ve hit the proverbial nail on the head … tourists.
Let me ask all of you; does it matter to you how much money you spend when traveling to or through a town? Whether it be $40 for gas, $20 for meals or $140 for lodging. Most people, when traveling, budget and watch how much they are spending. I know my wife and I do even here locally because of a fixed budget. Many tourists who come to the local area are also on fixed budgets because of age.
Now to the main crux of this opinion — money! Put yourself in the place of the tourists who come here. Would you personally appreciate the primary, and I emphasize primary, reason we are accommodating your presence into town is for your money? Think about it. Whenever events occur, we read about how much money will be or was left here by the wonderful people who unknowingly contributed to the economy until they open The Natchez Democrat and learn their money is why they helped the community survive!
Let’s get realistic.
It is not necessary to constantly publish the fact the monies that come in help the economy.
If I were a tourist that comes here, I certainly would like a thank you and we appreciate your coming to visit us. Not thank you for your money. This also applies to locals who shop locally.
I hope you get my point!
Y’all come back — hear.
Mike Straczuk
Vidalia resident