We must take action on fuels

Published 12:00 am Friday, January 4, 2008

The long-term economic impact of Wednesday’s record-breaking oil prices is far more important than the price of a Coke.

But the complaints that will follow rising gas prices are much the same.

Whether it’s soft drinks or a full tank, price hikes hit America where it hurts — the pocketbook.

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So why aren’t we cutting back? Driving less? Conserving fuel?

Oil sold for $100 a barrel Wednesday for the first time ever. The price didn’t last long, but leapt above $100 again on Thursday, signaling more price worries ahead.

It’s time America gets serious about conserving fuel. And that effort can start right here in the Miss-Lou.

Our part of the country is blessed — most of the time — with mild temperatures and beautiful days. So turn the fuel-burning engines off and walk when you can.

The Miss-Lou is already front and center for some industries working to provide alternative fuels — Rentech and Delta Biofuels to name a few. Companies like this need support locally and from government leaders on the state and national level.

Our country must find a way to produce the fuel we need to keep ticking, yet do so in an environmentally friendly, cost-effective way.

Coca-Colas were once 10 cents. The cost went up, and never went down again.

We know what’s likely to happen with oil prices. The question is: What are we willing to do about it?