Snow not only good news in area
Published 12:48 am Monday, January 21, 2008
This week was marked by one very special, very rare occurrence in the Miss-Lou — snow.
For the first time in seven years, the white stuff landed and stuck, and everyone loved it. Children who’d never seen snow before made makeshift snowmen and had some very real snowball fights.
But the snow only capped off a great week in the area. Let’s review some of the good news of the week.
4The first bishop of the Natchez Catholic church is home again. After a wild idea and much work, St. Mary members — led by Jimmy Guercio — oversaw the re-interment of Bishop John Joseph Chanche Saturday.
A beautiful ceremony and many honored guests helped make the ceremony befitting such an important event, and we are glad to have Chanche in town again.
4 at Monterey High School are just the folks you want around in an emergency. Students in a first-aid class are learning CPR and other emergency procedures.
The class is a precursor to an EMT class that would give students what they need to become an EMT after graduation.
The classes not only prepare the students to help out in an emergency, but give them the credit they’ll need to get a good job after high school.
As you flip through your snow day photos, be sure to remember the other good things happening around us. And, more snow or not, the next week will be a good one.