Profile to hit your doorstep Sunday

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If you are Roy King, Demeshia Harris, a student at Trinity Episcopal, a control room worker at BASF, a female in Monty Mayo’s immediate family or a registered nurse at Hospice Help, you are in Profile 2008.

If you sometimes wear a moose head, if you have triplets for little sisters or if you submitted a photo taken from your cell phone, you too are in Profile 2008.

If I came up to you with a camera in the last month and took your mug shot, if someone took your photo while you were shopping in Natchez Market or if your boss made you pose for a group employee shot for a newspaper advertisement, you are in Profile 2008.

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In fact, 342 of you are part of stories, photos and drawings in Profile 2008. Countless more of you are in the advertisements.

Without your faces, Profile 2008 wouldn’t exist.

Our goal this year was to include as many of you as possible. Our theme “About Face” demanded as much.

So, the staff of this newspaper went out of our way over the last five months to make Profile 2008 about you.

And, my, what a beautiful face you have.

We’ve enjoyed spending time getting to know the faces of the Miss-Lou. And we thank all of you who participated for letting us share your face with the world.

The newsroom’s work is done. The truck carrying the bound Profile 2008 magazines should be heading back to Natchez on Thursday. We’ll get them inserted into your copy of The Democrat by Saturday night.

And Sunday morning, Profile 2008 is all yours.

The magazine — an annual special section for us — is the biggest ever. At 144 pages, Profile isn’t something you’ll likely read in a day.

The section is bound like a magazine, with a nice, thick, glossy cover so that it can sit on your coffee table for months to come.

The stories inside are in-depth features. They are all meant to be enjoyable reading, and you are bound to know some of the people on the pages of Profile.

You may even be one of them.

Profile is both a headache and a joy for our staff each year. We begin work on it in October, usually with a kickoff party. It takes us up until the very last minute in February to finish.

It’s extra work. We keep publishing a daily paper at exactly the same rate and with the same staff as we do all year. But, we also work to keep Profile on the front burner.

But when you cut through the stress, the work we do for this edition is unlike what we do the rest of the year. It’s just fun.

On an ordinary day, I don’t get to interview dogs that look like their owners, or a child who wants to be a professional wrestler when he grows up.

Profile lets us meet those of you we might not ordinarily talk to.

And full-page photos let our photographers and designers play like they ordinarily couldn’t.

By the time Profile gets to your doorstep, the good definitely outweighs the bad.

We’ll enjoy watching you read. We want to hear your feedback, good or bad.

And we truly hope you’ll enjoy the faces of the Miss-Lou as much as we have.

Profile 2008 will be in newspaper racks and in your home-delivery copies this Sunday.


Julie Finley is the managing editor of The Natchez Democrat. She can be reached at 601-445-3551 or