Crosspoint finds new home in old roller rink

Published 12:33 am Saturday, February 23, 2008

NATCHEZ — As Del and Renae Loy walk through their newly purchased church one thing is abundantly clear — it needs some serious work.

Disco-balls don the ceiling and the walls are covered in purple carpet.

The sermons are given on what used to be a roller rink and they are planning a toddler center in what used to be a racket ball court.

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“We’re going to do the work in phases,” Del said standing in the cavernous room that once hosted hundreds of screaming teens.

The building the Loys purchased was once a roller rink on one side and a health club on the other.

Since 2006 the Loys, pastors of Crosspoint church, has rented the rink for their Sunday service.

Del said when the building came up for sale they wanted to purchase it but it was simply too expensive.

But finally the Loys got lucky.

“About nine months later the price came down,” he said.

So just like that Crosspoint had a home of its own.

And the congregants’ new home is a big one.

It is a massive complex covering 30,000 square feet and the church only has 60 members.

“We have space coming out of our ears,” he said.

And to convert that new space Renae said the church members will be investing sweat equity.

Del said the church’s members include carpenters and contractors.

The church currently reserves Saturdays for members to come in and work.

Del said having the congregation do part on the work will cut down on renovation costs.

“There’s no doubt we have a long way to go,” he said.

The first phase of the Loy’s plan will convert the main entrance to a place for relaxation and fellowshipping.

Phase two entails renovations on the actual sanctuary and phase three will include a full overhaul of the outside of the building.

“It’s going to be fabulous,” Renae said.

And their long-term construction plan mirrors their long-term goal for the church.

“Right now we have room to grow the congregation,” Del said. “And that’s what we plan to do.”

Del even plans to incorporate the physical construction of the church in his sermons.

For Easter he’s planning a series of sermons on restructuring the soul to match the physical rebuilding of the church.

“This is what we were called to do,” Renae said. “So we’ll be here working on it.”