Relay for LIfe preparations under way
Published 12:28 am Sunday, March 30, 2008
NATCHEZ — Residents of the Miss-Lou are getting ready to join communities across the nation in the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life, the nation’s largest fundraiser. The event will take place this year on Friday, May 2 at the Vidalia River Park.
The next team captains meeting will be at noon Friday at Comfort Suites in Vidalia.
Anyone interested in having a team should attend this informative meeting.
Relay For Life is a non-competitive, overnight event. Teams are recruited from businesses, clubs, families, friends, hospitals, churches, schools and service organizations. Each group chooses a team theme, and members take turns walking or running around a track during the night. Games and activities during the event make it a festive occasion.
“We invite everyone in the community to take part in the Relay For Life,” event chair Janis Holder said. “Where else can you show your enthusiasm for such an important cause by creating outrageous team themes, decorating campsites and playing games all night long?”
Money raised from the event supports American Cancer Society research, education, advocacy and patient services programs. Last year the local event raised more than $260,000 to help with in the fight against cancer.
To register a team or find out more about Relay For Life, call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit or visit the local Relay For Life Web site at Call Holder at 601-442-7411 or Julia Drews at 318-757-2600.
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy and service.