Rentech land closing a major step

Published 12:41 am Thursday, June 5, 2008


OK, so maybe it’s not professional, but that seems like the best way to sum up the news Rentech officials announced Tuesday.

As Natchez voters were heading to the polls to pick the mayor who will lead the city for the next four years, Rentech officials were dotting every “i” and crossing every “t” on the plan that may very well be key to our area’s industrial future.

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The coal-to-liquid fuel technology company closed the land deal to purchase the former International Paper mill land to the tune of $9.5 million. The county makes $3 million from the transaction.

But it’s not that $3 million that earns the “woohoo.”

Tuesday’s land closing was the first major step to securing high-paying jobs for many Adams County residents.

If Rentech’s plans stay on track, $3 million will quickly be dwarfed by the impact of having millions more dollars turning over in our community.

County, city and economic development officials have worked for years to bring the Rentech project to fruition. They all deserve a big thank you and a pat on the back, but none more than EDA volunteer Woody Allen, who has led the charge for Rentech for years.

Soon, the old campaign mantra of, “I’ll bring more jobs,” may actually become true.

And that will deserve a “woohoo” when it becomes a reality.