Resident wants filled tote bag returned

Published 12:15 am Monday, June 23, 2008

This letter is written to let my many friends know my Bible was returned to me after being “found” on the B&K parking lot behind First Presbyterian Church.

It was “lost” on June 10 and returned to me on June 13. Most of the irreplaceable documents in the bible were intact, but not all.

I am an octogenarian in my 87th year of life, and I can ill afford the sleepless nights I have endured since this hapless episode began.

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Again, I implore you to return my camera and the second Bible you “found” in my tote bag. Please take the camera and Bible to the photo counter at Wal-Mart on Seargent S. Prentiss Drive. My friends there will call me to let me know it has been returned.

My name on the camera plainly stated “official photographer of the Natchez Festival of Music,” where I have served for five-plus years in this capacity. I have served in the Natchez Literary and Cinema Celebration for as many years as well as my church, First Presbyterian, the retiree partnership, the Natchez Historical Society, Historic Natchez Foundation, Friends Five-O, Rotary, the Grand Village, the Scottish Heritage Foundation, Musical Arts and more. My outreach to these groups affords me many friends who share with me my loss.

So please, once again, hear my plea and return my tote bag with its contents to the church office or to Wal-Mart.

Mrs. Jack B. Stubbs

Natchez resident