Burget is right man for La. DA job

Published 12:03 am Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I have known Brad Burget all of his life. I have seen him grow from a tiny T-ball player and develop into a community leader.

Growing up, Brad was respected by his teachers, coaches and other adult figures in his life because he was the kind of youngster that earned respect. I believe that every teacher and coach in the Vidalia school system will tell you that Brad is the person we need to represent us in the district attorney’s office. Some of those teachers and coaches are the very ones that contributed to Brad’s campaign. One of Brad’s quotes says, “I took it upon myself to run my campaign because it’s the most efficient, ethical way to do it.”

Brad is all about doing things ethically right. From a small child, doing things the right way is what Brad has been about. He is going to always work hard, think things through, be honest, use common sense, be independent and, most importantly, in this job, do things the right way.

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Brad takes the job of district attorney very seriously. He also takes running the campaign very seriously. People making large and small contributions to his campaign have honored him by doing so. He will spend the money contributed to his campaign the way he feels the contributors would want him to spend it — on things to get his message out.

As Brad said, “To properly advertise and spread your message to the 20,000 registered voters in Concordia and Catahoula parishes, it takes funds, and people understand that.”

The election is Oct. 4. Please don’t forget to vote.

Charles “Mr. C” Partridge

Vidalia resident