Soil and Water Conservation will meet on Thursday

Published 12:00 am Sunday, October 12, 2008

NATCHEZ — The Adams County Soil and Water Conservation District will have its 18th annual meeting on Thursday. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at Copiah-Lincoln Community College, Natchez Campus in the Nelson Vo-tech Multipurpose Room.

Farmers, public officials, agricultural leaders and others interested in the conservation of our soil, water and related resources are encouraged to attend and bring family.  Recommended dress is casual and comfortable. A meal is planned and will be a catered buffet this year. Entertainment will be provided.

The Garland Howard Cooperator of the Year Award will be presented to a landowner who has practiced soil and water conservation in an outstanding manner.

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The district will also present the Walter T. Salmon Award, recognizing outstanding contributions to the cause of soil and water conservation by a public official or employee.

The five-member governing body of local landowners, known as commissioners are responsible for operating the district.  Adams County SWCD Commissioners are Virginia S. Salmon, Phil Lindley, William B. Stowers, Ross McGehee and Joe Merrick. Deputy commissioners are Joyce Johnson and Dr. Tommy Kilroy and Bryan Stringer.

The district works closely with the Natural Resources Conservation Service and other agencies to provide assistance to landowners, farmers, conservation groups and local governments in solving soil and water conservation problems and developing related resources.

Those interested in attending the district’s annual meeting should contact Pat Williams, district coordinator, at the District Office located at the USDA Service Center Building at 110 Northgate Road in Natchez, phone 601-442-1790, Ext. 3, as soon as possible, so that appropriate meal preparations can be made.

The Adams County Soil & Water Conservation District is a governmental subdivision of the State of Mississippi and a public body corporate and politic, organized in accordance with the Soil Conservation District Law of Mississippi.  Services of Adams Co. SWCD are provided without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs and marital or family status.