Supervisors look to fight annexation

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 6, 2008

NATCHEZ — A recently adopted annexation amendment by the Natchez Board of Aldermen has the Adams County Board of Supervisors examining their legal options.

In October, the aldermen voted to begin a process that would ultimately result in approximately three square miles of county land being turned over to the city.

Supervisor Darryl Grennell said the supervisors recently voted unanimously to hire an annexation attorney, Jerry Mills, on retainer to represent the county — if necessary.

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“First we need to see what the people want,” supervisor Mike Lazarus said of those living in the impacted areas.

The first parcel of land is 360 acres, and is south of old Country Club Road and is bordered by Marblestone Road and the Homewood Plantation area.

The second, 1,320-acre parcel is on U.S. 61 South and is bordered by Elgin Plantation.

The city has estimated that fewer than a dozen people live in the area.

But just what action, if any, the supervisors will take to halt the annexation remains to be seen.

Lazarus, and the other supervisors, all had the same basic outlook toward the annexation — wait to see what the people want.

“If they don’t mind we’re not going to force it,” Lazarus said. “But the supervisors are going to stand up for the people they represent.”

But there’s no clear consensus on what the people want yet.

Lazarus said he has spoken to one landowner in the impacted area who supports annexation.

However, supervisor S.E. “Spanky” Felter said he doesn’t think anyone in his district would want to be annexed.

Felter said several years ago when the city tried to annex land in his district, residents turned out en masse against the plan.

“Ninety-nine percent of the people (impacted) don’t want this,” Felter said of the former annexation plan. “They don’t get anything from it.”

Felter said he felt the only thing residents would get would be higher taxes if they were annexed by the city.

Supervisors Grennell said he has not spoken to anyone in his district yet.

Grennell said he has not seen a map of the area yet, but knows that many county residents live in the county, not the city, out of choice.

Grennell said many who live outside the city limits want to take advantage of less restrictive ordinances, like the ability to raise farm animals.

Supervisor Thomas “Boo” Campbell said he did not think any part of his district would be impacted by the annexation.

Board president Henry Watts could not be reached for comment.

Lazarus said he expects the supervisors to meet with Mills at the next board meeting.