It’s time to take action on Main Street

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 14, 2008

The former First Baptist Church building on Main Street isn’t getting any younger.

At this point, anti-aging cream won’t do any good. It will take an entire facelift.

And it’s likely going to be at least 60 more days before the doctor arrives to do the first consultation.

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The Natchez Preservation Commission granted the building’s owner a second chance Wednesday night.

Dream Homes has 60 days to present a construction plan and start date.

And in the meantime, the site will continue to deteriorate. The grass will grow taller, the ivy will overtake more of the building and the rain and other elements will reach the interior.

We only hope the owner will act quickly to save a valuable piece of our downtown.

Simple precautions, like a lawn mower and hedge clippers, would be a start. Could portions of the building be protected with tarps?

It’s past time to focus on damage control at the former church building.

It’s promising that the commission and the owner are at least talking now. The issue must stay a top priority for the commission.

We know the building will require a facelift. We just hope there is still a face left to lift.