Speed bump installation on hold

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 21, 2008

NATCHEZ — It was barely one month ago when the Adams County Board of Supervisors authorized the installation of speed bumps on Beau Pré Road — now the project is on hold.

Some residents on the road say constant speeding by some drivers has created a dangerous environment for the area’s youth.

Residents said in the not so distant past, pets have been killed and mailboxes have been destroyed by speeders.

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But it was a recent discovery in the resident’s request for the speed bumps that led to the project’s sudden stop.

It was at the board’s Monday meeting that President Henry Watts said the project had to be stopped because many of the residents that signed the petition requesting the speed bumps don’t actually live on the road.

County administrator Cathy Walker said in this situation, it’s county policy to have 75 percent of the residents that live on the impacted road sign a petition stating their intent.

Walker said there are approximately 54 houses on Beau Pré Road.

However, those who signed the petition came from all over.

Walker said some who signed the petition live on Whitney Road or McRae Road, which both intersect Beau Pré.

But some signers even live as far away as downtown.

Lillie DeShields lives on Beau Pré Road and supports the speed bumps.

Deshields also signed the original petition to have them installed.

And Walker points to the original petition as the source of the problem.

Walker said the original petition makes no mention of any residency requirements to be a signer on the document.

DeShields said she knows the resident that circulated the original petition and believes it was an honest mistake.

DeShields said that resident does not want to be identified.

But regardless of the steps needed to have the speed bumps installed, DeShields and others want the work done — and quickly.

“There’s rampant speeding,” DeShields said. “And we don’t want a person getting killed.”

To remedy the situation Walker is drafting a new petition, which outlines residency requirements, to be circulated for signing.

Walker said once it’s completed the project should proceeded as scheduled.

DeShields should receive the new petition by today.