Don’t let recycling waste away
Published 12:00 am Friday, December 12, 2008
It didn’t take long for a weak economy to degrade months of planning and years of discussion in Adams County.
But we’ll just have to chalk this one up to a trial run.
Adams County can’t give up on recycling just yet.
Natchez Metals and Recycling accepted paper, aluminum, plastic and cardboard for a little more than a month before the adventure in green became too costly for the business.
Owner Bubba Kaiser understandably needs to make a profit on anything he does. He is running a business.
But this is only strike one.
The Adams County Green Alliance — a group of local leaders and community members — is still alive and kicking.
The group met Tuesday night only to hear the somber news, but they didn’t abandon ship then, and the community can’t either.
As the alliance explores other avenues and seeks grants, it’s important that we all keep talking about recycling.
This recession will pass, but our trash won’t. We need a plan for the future, and the alliance seems on track to take us there.
We may not find a quick fix, but we can’t just let our goals dissolve around us.