New year picks up with good news

Published 11:18 pm Sunday, January 11, 2009

With the holidays behind us, things are picking up speed in the Miss-Lou.

Everyone is back to work and school, and 2009 is off to a great start.

Let’s review the good news the first full week of the year brought:

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4The United Way has achieved and slightly exceeded its fundraising goal of $150,000. It is great to see our community so willing to help those in need. But we know the need in the area is greater than $150,000, and we hope the giving will continue.

4The Ferriday Garden Club doesn’t have time for tea parties, the ladies will tell you. They have work to do. The group is pushing a town-wide cleanup program that includes grass cutting, flower planting and trash pickup.

We are happy that these ladies aren’t simply identifying the problems — they are solving them.

4Entering the Natchez Convention Center this weekend required parting a red sea. The building — and much of town — was filled to capacity with the members of the Delta Sigma Theta sorority and their families.

Alumnae chapters met for their statewide founder’s day conference. We are happy the group came to our town and hope they had a wonderful stay.

4Ylani Hayes is on track to be this year’s valedictorian at Natchez High School, and she plans to keep that train moving forward.

The 17-year-old has plans to attend Jackson State University and study to become a clinical psychologist. Her work ethic is refreshing and can be a model for others.

With students like Hayes, our future is bright and the days ahead will be full of plenty of good news.