Debit cards recalled due to security issue

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 27, 2009

NATCHEZ — Over 200 United Mississippi Bank debit cards have been recalled due to a security breach.

UMB Operations Manager Debbie Boykin said the bank was alerted by VISA last week of the compromise.

A third party processor that handles transactions had a security breach in which card holder’s numbers were obtained.

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“For precautionary reasons, we go out there and cancel the card and reorder our customer another card,” Boykin said.

She said fortunately, no cardholders experienced unauthorized charges.

“We checked their accounts and made sure nothing has been posted that’s fraudulent,” she said.

Boykin said VISA is not telling the bank exactly when the compromise took place, just that it was between May and November of last year.

Once UMB was notified of the breach, bank officials sent out letters to each affected cardholder detailing the issue and saying that their cards would be canceled.

“Most of our customers seem very happy that we went ahead and canceled the card. Even though it causes some inconvenience, they’re still glad we’re on top of it,” Boykin said.

She said it is not common to have cardholders’ information hacked into, that usually the bank fields three or four cases like these a month.