MCT2 testing starts Tuesday in Natchez

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 9, 2009

NATCHZ — Friday was a stress-free day at McLaurin Elementary School, but the relaxed shoulders, cool heads and calm hearts won’t last long.

Starting Tuesday, students at the school — and at Morgantown Elementary and Robert Lewis Middle schools — will begin taking the biggest test of the year.

The Mississippi Curriculum Test 2 is a state standardized test that is broken into reading/language arts and mathematics portions.

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Testing will continue Wednesday and Thursday.

McLaurin students attended a pep rally Friday, an attempt by teachers to encourage the students to relax before testing.

Principals and teachers ask that parents make sure children get plenty of rest this weekend and next week. Students should also eat a good breakfast and arrive at school on time.

Parents should encourage students to do their best and take their time.

Only students in grades three through eight take the MCT2. Students at Frazier Primary will be taking nine-weeks tests and Reading First tests. Natchez High students will be taking Subject Area Tests.

The scores from the MCT2 and the high school’s tests will be used to grade the district as a whole.