Red Cross names volunteer of the year

Published 12:00 am Friday, June 19, 2009

NATCHEZ — Normally the Adams County Chapter of the American Red Cross hears ‘thank you’ from the families they help in times of disaster. But on Thursday, chapter board members and volunteers took time to say ‘thank you’ to each other.

At the chapter’s annual board meeting, volunteers were honored for their service to the disaster relief agency.

Pam Frank, chapter manager, said without the numerous hours of work volunteers put in, it would be impossible to serve the number of families the Red Cross helps each year.

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“We depend entirely on the volunteers to keep this chapter running,” she said.

But while all the volunteers are important and needed, one particular volunteer stood out this year.

Steven Sumpter was named the chapter’s volunteer of the year. Sumpter’s dedication to the Red Cross and his willing attitude set him apart from other volunteers, Frank said.

“He’s a very special person,” she said. “He is the type of person who, no matter what you ask of him, he will do it.

“He’s always there and always willing to help.”

New board members were also accepted at the meeting. Many are familiar faces who have decided to continue volunteering their time.

Board members for fiscal year 2009-2010 are Stan Owens, vice chairman; Jim Blough, chairman; Rosa Newman, secretary; Everard Baker, disaster service chair; Kay Patt, second vice-chairman; Wayne Spencer, Parkway Baptist Church shelter representative; Pat Galloway, board member; Sam Winchester, Jefferson County representative; William Ward, Wilkinson County representative, Jason Cole, treasurer and Darrell Smith, board member.

Advisory board members for the same time period will be Don Winters, Angela Brown and Charles Vess.

Frank gave a recap of the 2008-2009 chapter activities. During that time, the Red Cross had 49 fire cases and seven storm cases in Adams County, nine fire cases in Amite County, 10 fire cases and two storm cases in Jefferson County and 11 fire cases in Wilkinson County.

The chapter, which covers a four county area, used $48,275 for disaster relief.

Frank said the chapter depends on donations to be able to continue to help families in need, and said each donation the chapter receives is vital to the ongoing efforts of the Red Cross.

“We try to keep all the money here in the community so we are really helping one another,” she said.