Health care system is best in world

Published 12:03 am Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I am just taken aback at Mr. Gene Simonton’s inaccurate and muddled thinking on health care.

First, I would agree that there are some reforms that need to be made in our current health care program in the United States. This does not mean we need a government-run health care system (read: socialized medicine).

Some of the changes that come to mind are tort reform, as it pertains to the medical field.

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Ever notice how seldom this subject comes up in the legislative branch? Well guess what? This branch of our government is full of lawyers.

Other changes that seem reasonable would be for insurance companies to not be able to deny insurance coverage to people who are sick. Another change that seems appropriate is that insurance companies could not discriminate in rates based on gender. Portability of coverage seems like a change that makes sense. I would also like to see non-profit health care cooperatives, rather than the liberals proposal for a government-run health insurance plan.

His statement, that “the Republican party and the well-to-do just don’t care,” is juvenile. How would Mr. Simonton back that up with facts? He cannot.

Then, Mr. Simonton took issue with the pie chart published in The Democrat, showing that 72 percent of voters were against the President’s health care reform plan. Mr. Simonton, do you think any responsible newspaper would just pull figures out of the air and publish them? Of course not. How irresponsible for you to even intimate this.

I have noticed that any time a liberal-type, such as Mr. Simonton, finds any published information they agree with, they think this information came down from a mountaintop on stone tablets. Then again, if it is something they disagree with, it must be flawed.

I just loved this statement he made: “It’s going to get worse, and health reform is needed to get the U.S. budget back in sound order.”

Yep! If Mr. Obama gets his way and he can spend $1.6 trillion more on health care reform, this would really, “get the U.S. budget back in sound order.”

Of course this $1.6 trillion would be on top of all the TARP dollars, bailing out the automotive industry, the banking system and the stimulus package.

Mr. Simonton refers to his friend Neal, who has such wonderful health care in Melbourne, Australia, and how he admires the care he is availed to there. Mr. Simonton, I would suggest that you make plans, as soon as you can, to move to Melbourne so you then too can be happy with your health care plan.

I would be willing to contribute $100 to your moving expenses after you have arrived there to enjoy this wonderful plan your friend Neal has.

I have acknowledged that we do not have the perfect health care program in the United States, but did you ever notice that you never hear of someone from here going to Canada or other places that have socialized medicine? However, it is not uncommon to hear of Canadians coming to the United States to receive medical treatment.

Even with all our imperfections in the current health care system available in the United States, most will acknowledge it is the best in the world.

Kirk Bartley

Natchez resident