Accessory sentencing set for Thursday

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 11, 2009

NATCHEZ — On Thursday morning Patrick Conner will be in Adams County Circuit Court to be sentenced for his involvement in the September 2007 death of Pete Jackson.

While Conner was originally indicted on a murder charge in 2008, he entered a guilty plea for accessory after the fact to aggravated assault on July 28.

Last Wednesday, Mary McQuarters received a 15-year prison sentence after she was convicted of manslaughter for the death of Jackson, her longtime boyfriend,

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District Attorney Ronnie Harper said just after Jackson’s death McQuarters made comments to investigators that implicated Conner in the incident.

While investigators later came to believe that Conner was not involved in killing Jackson, they do believe he helped McQuarters to clean Jackson’s bloody body and place it at the foot of the couple’s bed to make it look as if Jackson had been murdered, Harper said.

Conner could be facing a five-year prison sentence for his involvement with McQuarters.

During McQuarters trial she testified she acted in self-defense when she cut Jackson on the arm with a piece of broken glass during a fight in which Jackson was choking her.

A forensic pathologist testified it was the cut on Jackson’s arm that severed his radial artery and caused him to bleed to death.