Woodstock not worthy of glorification

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The too-young-to-know media are giving Woodstock 100 times the coverage this shameful display ever deserved.

Imagine the “museum” slant that honors it. I was age 23 at the time. Those in junior high or less at the time have no clue and should not “drink the media Kool-Aid” this summer.

Woodstock was the worldwide display (or coming out) of the secular spawn from WWII parenting that spoiled so many of them.

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This showed the world that way too many parents were weak and shortsighted, way too many radio jocks brainwashed teens about life, way too many teens (thus) had no moral compass, and the U.S. was well on the path to the secular socialism we see around us today as many of these dysfunctional Americans managed to gain political power over others.

Woodstock had some terrific creative music I still like, but music does not make a life — discipline and morals do.

What did you really see at Woodstock? Financially parasitic young people trashing traditional moral authority by using dope, fornicating and cursing.

OK, the mud sliding was actually harmless.

Now you expect that huge young crowd (and many other 60s concert crowds) to now respect parents, respect sex, respect marriage, respect work, respect churches, respect manners, respect people of faith and respect their country?

Are you surprised by the cultural-political-financial condition of America now?

Woodstock? You mean the disturbing “secular atomic bomb” reminder of all we lost?

Doug Schexnayder

Vidalia resident