NRMC’s CEO news is good

Published 12:26 am Friday, September 4, 2009

Since I was probably the loudest and most vocal critic of the handling of the proposed sale of Natchez Regional Medical Center, I would now like to step up and commend the parties involved for the recent good news concerning NRMC.

I agree with an editorial in The Natchez Democrat that the recent article stating that the beginning of the process to hire a new administrator, who would be a hospital employee, is certainly good news. It will go a long way to moving the community beyond the divisions created by the collapse of the proposed sale of NRMC. The sooner that process is completed, the better off the community will be.

And though I have been most critical of the interim management team’s handling of the proposed sale process, I will commend them for making the hard choices that had to be made. I can speak from experience, that it is never easy to fire people. The staffing cuts, as well as the bankruptcy filing, while extremely difficult decisions to make, probably saved NRMC from collapse. Sometimes those most difficult decisions are best made by someone with an outsider’s prospective.

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I also feel the need to commend NRMC Board of Trustees President Dan Bland. When the sale collapsed, it would have been easy for Dan to throw his hands up and walk away. Especially in light of all of the criticism that had been heaped on him, mostly by me. To his credit, Dan stood his ground and took the heat. I hope he stands in there a while longer. At least until the new management is in place.

Recent reports that NRMC is currently self-sufficient are encouraging indeed. NRMC emerging from bankruptcy will be another huge step in the right direction. It is my sincere hope that a new administrator can be found that will build on the current momentum, and take NRMC to new heights of leadership in the local health care arena!

Chuck Fields

Natchez resident