Our taxes are wasted by politicians

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 25, 2009

It was healthy to see the article in The Natchez Democrat that a Henry R. Gaude wrote showing his disgust of the services and taxes of both the county and city.

I know personally how he feels. In the year 2000 my family sold all real estate in the City of Natchez to escape the outlawed high city taxes plus unfriendly politicians as we sold our family business.

I suggest that you either get out of the spider web as we have done or make a stand with a large group to protest at every meeting as I did.

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Mr. Gaude you need to tell them to operate it as you would a private business and start making the needed cuts that are needed.

Also, instead of the 10 percent cut in salaries, the aldermen as well as the board of supervisors need to take a 40 to 50 percent cut in pay to show leadership with this bad economy. They aren’t suppose to being in these offices for profit, but the love of the community!

But, as for the things you mentioned that the county should take over, I will disagree!

Personally, as I have written in the past, I would rather have less government services and taxes period.

I live at Traceway Drive on the Natchez Trace, and the county doesn’t provide any service to wave a flag about.

I cut my own grass and even the road right away on my side so they don’t do that. The blacktop coat hasn’t been repaved since David Huber was my supervisor, and the yellow middle line is gone with age.

I ask nothing of them in most cases if ever.

The tax dollars we pay to the county don’t add up. The school tax this is a very debatable tax. We could spend a long time talking about the way that money is spent.

The sheriff’s office used to have a cruiser that made our circle in Traceway ever so often, but I don’t see this anymore even after I saw a burglary on Traceway Drive in The Natchez Democrat a week ago.

So, to come to a conclusion, I personally don’t need government services, because I have good dogs and firearms. I also have a water hose that is my fire department, and I feel that I’m not alone.

By the way, we have to pay for trash pickup. But, people aren’t paying for trash pickup and are still getting car tags, and the taxes are not added to their property tax, as we all were told would occur.

Voting for the recreation complex in November, I will have to vote “no.” Adams County is money strapped as it is in the nation’s economy.

Also, I find it hard to believe that if the people vote it down that it will still be up to the supervisors which way they go.

I don’t understand why they went to the trouble of letting the people vote and then they are going to do what they want anyway. This doesn’t sound like this is justified or democratic.

Gene Simonton

Adams County resident