Centreville sends Trinity to third straight loss

Published 2:05 am Saturday, October 17, 2009

CENTREVILLE — Trinity Episcopal couldn’t win at the line of scrimmage Friday night, and things didn’t bode any better on the scoreboard either.

The Centreville Tigers dominated with their offensive line, and pressured the Saints backfield all evening en route to a 27-6 Tiger victory.

Centreville was led in rushing by running back Zach Sinclair, who accounted for all four Tiger touchdowns and amassed 203 yards on the ground.

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Tigers assistant coach Brian Stutzman was quick to credit his offensive line for Sinclair’s big night.

“The line blocking (is what was working for Sinclair tonight),” Stutzman said. “He’s a special running back. If he just gets a little crease, he’s going to break it usually.

“That’s the best game the offensive line’s played all year. Coach (Robbie) Isonhood did a great job of getting them prepared, and they blocked well.”

Centreville head coach Bill Hurst said his team’s win over Trinity was the best he’s seen his players perform all season.

“They played great offensively and defensively tonight,” Hurst said. “Trinity’s got an outstanding football team, and they’re well-coached.”

Trinity head coach David King was disappointed in his team’s performance in the wake of its third straight loss on the season.

“We just got pushed around, and couldn’t make any plays,” King said. “After these four weeks, I can just tell you that we’re a single A football team, and nothing more.

“We’ve gone from being able to play with these big boys for the last two years, to hopefully (where) we can regroup and gather ourselves, and come back and win a couple of district games in single A. It’s just a tough pill to swallow.”

After a scoreless first quarter, Sinclair scored two of his four touchdowns on runs of one and 12 yards.

In the third quarter, the Saints scored their only touchdown on a 3-yard carry by R.J. Fleming.

Sinclair scored his final two touchdowns in the fourth quarter on runs of 32 and eight yards.

In addition to Sinclair, the Tigers’ Cliff Hurst had a big night running the football, tallying 130 yards on 15 carries.

King said he hopes his players will learn something from the last few games.

“Adversity, getting pushed around and getting your butt kicked… those are things that hopefully we can do to the opponents when we get back in our classification.

“It’s pretty humbling when you come out here and only score six points, but (Centreville has) an outstanding football team, and I’m taking nothing away from them.”

Bill Hurst is also hoping that his players are able to take some things away from this game that will help them perform well the rest of the season.

“I’m hoping it (pushes) them to where they go in and play hard, because we’ve got enough football players to where we (can) make some plays down the road. If we can just keep our heads up and play together as a football team, who knows what can happen?”

For King, keeping his players from getting down will be a challenge, he said.

“I’m in new territory here. I don’t think we’ve ever lost three in a row. I’m at a loss. I’m just going to have to gather myself.”