You’re invited to our Christmas party

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It’s hardly a secret around Copiah-Lincoln Community College that I can’t wait for the Christmas season.

It is still a magical time of year for me … a blessed time and a fun time.

At Co-Lin Natchez, Christmas is a time for sharing. We have in recent years developed a commitment to giving to individuals and groups in our community: to veterans and soldiers, to children, to charitable organizations, and to one another.

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We have decided this year to — as the TV chef Emeril says — kick it up a notch.

We will host “Christmas at Co-Lin” from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 7, in our Tom Reed Academic Center. The program is open to the public.

We will take free photographs with Santa — one per family, please — which you can take with you that evening. Lights, holiday music, balloons, candy canes and refreshments are also part of the program.

There will be beautiful Christmas trees to admire. And many staff members will be there to help share holiday cheer.

I’d like to brag on them a little. In addition to their regular jobs, they are always willing to do more by creating and participating in programs like this one.

So please join us on Dec. 7 for a joyful time.

When you turn off Col. John Pitchford Parkway headed for the campus, just look for the lights.

And, from our family to yours have a very Merry Christmas.

Teresa Busby is vice president of Copiah-Lincoln Community College’s Natchez campus.